Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Which one are you? UPPER or lower GM?

Home ownership is sometimes considered as a gargantuan task for the average person due to the fact that the cost of a modest bungalow could run to between N2million and N20million (about $13,000 and $130,000 respectively), depending on the location. For an average person on minimum wage whose annual income does not exceed N250,000 ($1,600) per annum, this is a mission impossible. However, it has been confirmed that cost reduction in any of the four or five elements that make up home ownership could bring the cost of housing to the barest minimum. In order to prove this point, ask yourself this question: How come certain General Managers (GMs) are still aspiring to have their homes while gate-men (also GMs  ;)) in the same company may already be landlords? Easily, one may answer the question that the first GM is looking for large sums of money to build, while the other GM uses a little money that comes to hand with some strategies to build his house. So it's all about the utilization of the right strategies for home ownership.
Next, I shall be discussing about the Key Strategies for Affordable Home Ownership and I hope we can draw more people to this forum to benefit and contribute to this topic and others that will open in the near future.

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