Monday, January 14, 2013

To Build or Not to Build

This question is often a major hurdle in the minds of would-be self-builders, usually causing the initial hang-up at the very inception of the project. People ask themselves the question: Can I really, truly use my own hands to build my own house? This is because house building, to most people, is almost like rocket science. However, this is never the case. Anybody can build himself a house, perhaps with a little assistance from experts like me and some muscle help from friends and neighbours. I pledge to take your hand from the very beginning of the project to the final finish... That is, if you will allow me to do so. Which means, you have to allow yourself first to build the house before calling for help. I am ready. Are you? Do you wish to build your own house?

1 comment:

Negi said...

Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you

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